You may be eligible for a vacation quarter if you complete three (3) consecutive quarters of study at UC Irvine Division of Continuing Education, are in good academic standing, and intend to continue your studies at UC Irvine Division of Continuing Education immediately after your vacation quarter. A vacation quarter may occur in fall, winter, spring, or summer quarter. To apply for a vacation quarter, you are required to meet with an International Student Advisor during the last week of the quarter before your requested vacation quarter. The last day of your current program is the deadline for you to complete the vacation approval process.
If you plan to return to a different program (for example, from ESL to Certificate) at UC Irvine Division of Continuing Education after your approved vacation quarter, you must apply for the new program before applying for a vacation quarter.
If you do not apply for vacation by the end of your current program, you have the following options:
- Continue your studies at UC Irvine Division of Continuing Education
- Transfer to another school within your 60-day grace period
- Return to your home country within your 60-day grace period
A vacation quarter is not for you if you intend to transfer to another school during vacation quarter or will not return to your studies after the completion of your vacation quarter.