How to Apply
Applying to one of our International Programs is easy, as long as you carefully read and follow the steps for your program’s application. Please be sure to follow the instructions that are specific to the program you are interested in.
Before You Begin
Please review our Payment Policies, Fees & Deadlines for applying to ESL/Certificate Programs.
Students who will require an F-1 student visa to study with us should keep in mind that current wait times at embassies around the world are much longer than average due to COVID-19 shut downs. Please keep this in mind and consider applying to study with us at least 10-12 weeks in advance of your program start. You can look up your nearest embassy and view their current wait times.
Here's a helpful video on how to apply to our programs:
How to Apply
- Complete the online ESL/Certificate application, pay the $200 application fee, and upload a copy of the photo/information page of your passport.
- If you will need an I-20 to apply for an F-1 student visa, you must also upload a bank statement dated within the past 6 months that shows funds available for the minimum amount required to study in the program to which you are applying. The bank statement must be in English and provide the balance amount in US Dollars.
- Please note, if you are not the bank account holder for the bank statement provided, the bank account holder must complete the Statement of Financial Support Form.
- If you are applying to one of our ESL programs as a part-time student, under the Visa Information section, indicate that you do not need an I-20 and list your current visa status.
- If you are transferring from another school in the United States, you must also upload copies of the following documents:
- Copy of your current I-20
- Copy of your F-1 visa in your passport
- Copy of the photo/information page in your passport
- Copy of the CBP admission stamp in your passport OR I-94 number retrieval record
Once your application has been processed and you have been accepted, we will send your I-20 along with our F-1 Visa Guide and Student Handbook with directions for next steps and preparing to come to California!
You can also complete the ESL/ACP application PDF form. If you are completing the PDF application, please do not send credit card information, including your personal account number, expiration date, and security code, via email. We kindly ask that any forms or documents containing any credit card information be sent via fax or mail or in person only to ensure we are protecting sensitive credit card information. Please send your application and documents to: | |
Fax | +1-949-824-8065 |
UC Irvine Division of Continuing Education International Programs 510 E Peltason Dr Irvine, CA 92697-5700 USA |
Before You Begin
Please review our Payment Policies, Fees & Deadlines for applying to the STAR programs.
Students who will require an F-1 student visa to study with us should keep in mind that current wait times at embassies around the world are much longer than average due to COVID-19 shut downs. Please keep this in mind and consider applying to study with us at least 10-12 weeks in advance of your program start. You can look up your nearest embassy and view their current wait times.
How to Apply
- Complete the online STAR Application, pay the $200 application fee, and upload a copy of the photo/information page of your passport.
- You may pay this fee when you complete your application online, or you will receive a follow-up email from DCE Student Services that asks you to pay the application fee through a secured electronic payment link.
- If you will need an I-20 to apply for an F-1 student visa, you must also upload a bank statement dated within the past 6 months that shows funds available for the minimum amount required to study in the program to which you are applying. The bank statement must be in English and provide the balance amount in US Dollars.
- Please note, if you are not the bank account holder for the bank statement provided, the bank account holder must complete the Statement of Financial Support Form.
- If you are transferring from another school in the United States, you must also upload copies of the following documents:
- Copy of your current I-20
- Copy of your F-1 visa in your passport
- Copy of the photo/information page in your passport
- Copy of the CBP admission stamp in your passport OR I-94 number retrieval record
Once your application has been processed and you have been accepted, our office will contact you with the instructions for the next steps for preparing you to come to Southern California!
Please do not send credit card information, including your personal account number, expiration date, and security code, via email. The fastest way to process your payment is through online. If you are unable to make any payment online, we kindly ask that any forms or documents containing any credit card information be sent via phone, mail, or in-person only to ensure we are protecting sensitive credit card information.
To submit any additional documents required for completing your application, please send them using one of the following methods: | |
Fax | +1-949-824-8065 Attn: Success Through Academics and Research Programs (STAR) |
Success Through Academics and Research Programs UC Irvine Division of Continuing Education International Programs 510 E Peltason Dr Irvine, CA 92697-5700 USA |
Before You Begin
Please review our Payment Policies, Fees & Deadlines for applying to the ASAP programs.
Students who will require an F-1 student visa to study with us should keep in mind that current wait times at embassies around the world are much longer than average due to COVID-19 shut downs. Please keep this in mind and consider applying to study with us at least 10-12 weeks in advance of your program start. You can look up your nearest embassy and view their current wait times.
How to Apply
- Complete the online ASAP application, pay the $200 application fee, and upload a copy of the photo/information page of your passport.
- You may pay this fee when you complete your application online, or you will receive a follow-up email from DCE Student Services that asks you to pay the application fee through a secured electronic payment link.
- If you will need an I-20 to apply for an F-1 student visa, you must also upload a bank statement dated within the past 6 months that shows funds available for the minimum amount required to study in the program to which you are applying. The bank statement must be in English and provide the balance amount in US Dollars.
- Please note, if you are not the bank account holder for the bank statement provided, the bank account holder must complete the Statement of Financial Support Form.
- If you are transferring from another school in the United States, you must also upload copies of the following documents:
- Copy of your current I-20
- Copy of your F-1 visa in your passport
- Copy of the photo/information page in your passport
- Copy of the CBP admission stamp in your passport OR I-94 number retrieval record
Once your application has been processed and you have been accepted, our office will contact you with the instructions for the next steps for preparing you to come to Southern California!
Please do not send credit card information, including your personal account number, expiration date, and security code, via email. The fastest way to process your payment is through online. If you are unable to make any payment online, we kindly ask that any forms or documents containing any credit card information be sent via phone, mail, or in-person only to ensure we are protecting sensitive credit card information.
To submit any additional documents required for completing your application, please send them using one of the following methods: | |
Fax | +1-949-824-8065 Attn: Academic Study Abroad Program (ASAP) |
Academic Study Abroad Program (ASAP) UC Irvine Division of Continuing Education International Programs 510 E Peltason Dr Irvine, CA 92697-5700 USA |
Before You Begin
- Be sure to check the course/program prerequisites and before applying.
- Please review the Payment Policies, Fees & Deadlines for ISP.
How to Apply
- Complete and submit the online application.
- Pay the $200 application fee, and upload a copy of the photo/information page of your passport.
- Note: The $400 housing deposit is due prior to May 1 of the year of your program to guarantee space. UC Irvine Dormitories are only available in summer.
- Upon submitting the completed application, students will receive a payment link to pay housing deposit (if applicable).
- Once the application fee has been paid, students will receive a Letter of Acceptance (LOA), I-20 (if applicable), and payment link for the program balance.
Before You Begin
- Be sure to check the course/program prerequisites before applying.
- Please review the Payment Policies, Fees & Deadlines for LCP.
How to Apply
- Complete and submit the online application.
- Pay the $200 application fee, and upload a copy of the photo/information page of your passport.
- Once the application fee has been paid, students will receive a Letter of Acceptance (LOA), I-20 (if applicable), and payment link for the program balance. All remaining fees are due 7 days prior to the program start date.
UC COVID-19 Vaccination Policy Information
Under the current UC-wide Immunization Policy requirements, DCE students are defined as Covered Non-Affiliates. UC Irvine has defined that Covered Non-Affiliates are not required to submit evidence of a COVID-19 primary vaccination series or boosters.
To help keep UC Irvine healthy, stay up to date with your COVID-19 vaccination. Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) COVID-19 Vaccination Recommendations for the most current COVID-19 information.
Helpful Information
Reported illnesses have ranged from mild symptoms to severe illness and death for confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) cases.
- Early symptoms may be nonspecific, such as fever, body aches or chills, scratchy throat, and or/mild stomach upset (diarrhea, loss of appetite, nausea, loss of smell).
- A few days later a dry cough may emerge, that can worsen to start including shortness of breath over several days.
- Upper respiratory symptoms like nasal congestion or sneezing are less common.
- Coronavirus can also be asymptomatic, so it is important to get a test if you think you have had an exposure.
- CDC COVID-19 Symptoms
- People who have symptoms should stay home, wear a mask, and get tested.
- People who have more serious symptoms like a fever (>100.3F) for two or more days, persistent cough or shortness of breath should contact their healthcare provider for advice.
- Contact your Primary Care Provider for clinical issues and support. For assistance using your DCE medical insurance plan to find a provider, please contact
- Your provider will work to get you tested and recommend the appropriate treatment guidelines if you are COVID positive.
Look for the emergency warning signs for COVID 19:
- Trouble breathing
- Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
- New confusion
- Inability to wake or stay awake.
If someone is showing any of these signs, call 911. Notify the operator that you are seeking care for someone who has or may have COVID-19.
- Review the most up-to-date Isolation guidelines from CDC and CDPH (California Department of Public Health):
- Notify your Primary Care Provider so that they are aware of your positive COVID-19 status and may recommend specific care or treatment that may be needed based on your medical history.
- Follow up with your Primary Care Provider for any symptoms or concerns that may develop.
- Notify people with whom you were in close contact.
If you think you may be considered a “Close Contact” with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 and are wondering what to do?
- If you DO NOT have SYMPTOMS, you do not need to quarantine.
- Test now and if negative, test again 3-5 days from last exposure.
- If you test positive, contact your Primary Care Provider for guidelines.
- If you tested positive for COVID in the prior 30 days, you do not need to test unless symptoms develop.
- If you DO have SYMPTOMS, you should contact your Primary Care Provider and get tested as soon as possible.
- If you test negative, test again 3-5 days from last exposure.
- If you test positive, follow your Primary Care Provider’s guidelines.
- Contact us at if you need assistance finding a provider or getting a test
- Per CDPH masking guidance, wear a well-fitting mask around others for 10 days, especially while in indoor settings and when near those at higher risk for severe COVID-19 disease