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  • Some courses are not available to Concurrent and Cross students. See Approvals for the list of courses that are not available. 
  • Course requests under the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences (ICS) must be submitted by March 14, 2025. ICS course requests will be declined if submitted after the deadline. 
  • The deadline to submit course requests is at 4pm (Pacific) on the Friday before instruction begins. Course requests will be declined if submitted after this deadline. View the Concurrent Enrollment Academic Calendar for a full list of deadlines. 


Follow the steps below to submit an online enrollment request to petition a UCI course through Concurrent Enrollment. Enrollment in UCI classes is on a space-available basis with permission of the course instructor and/or department, after all matriculated UCI students have been enrolled. 

Review the application dates on the Concurrent Enrollment Academic Calendar. The application link will be available in Step 5 at 12:00pm (Pacific) when the application window opens.

  1. Choose the course in which you want to enroll.
    View the UCI Schedule of Classes. Course descriptions are listed in the UCI General Catalogue. Some courses may have required co-requisite discussions. Choose a course that is open with space available. Courses that are full or waitlisted will not likely be approved.

    Courses excluded from Concurrent Enrollment: Paul Merage School of Business, The School of Medicine, and the School of Law. There are exceptions by quarter. View the complete list of unavailable courses through Concurrent and Cross Enrollment.

  2. Verify you have completed the pre-requisites, if applicable, and gather copies of your unofficial transcripts to include in your application.
    Pre-requisite information can be found on the Registrar’s website. Uploading documentation showing pre-requisites are met is mandatory. This includes UCI and DCE transcripts. Requests will be denied if this is not uploaded at the time of application.

  3. If your course or student status falls under one of the following categories, obtain the listed approvals:
    • Instructor’s approval by email. Instructor email addresses can be found in the UCI public directory. See Approvals for the full list of departments, requirements, and exceptions.
    • High School students: You can enroll with the written approval from your academic counselor or principal. The approval must be signed by a school official on school letterhead or emailed to
    • Cross-Enrollment students: Obtain your campus Registrar’s certification on the eligibility form. Visit Cross-Enrollment for more information.
    • Former UCI students: If you are working to readmit to your same major and wish to enroll in over 8 units, obtain the approval of your School’s academic counselor.

  4. Create your DCE account
    Create a Division of Continuing Education (DCE) account if you are new to DCE.

  5. Complete the Concurrent Enrollment Application for each course which you want to enroll in.
    The application link will be available here on the date listed on the Concurrent Enrollment Academic Calendar. The deadline to submit course add requests is strictly enforced. Consider requesting backup courses now. Students may request more than two courses but will not be permitted to enroll in more than 2 courses or 8 units without a unit approval.
    Concurrent Enrollment Application

  6. Requests will be reviewed by DCE and the appropriate Department/School.
    Requests may be reviewed from the time the application is available to the second week of the quarter.

  7. Email notifications will be sent with the final decision regarding your course request.
    Add to your approved contacts to ensure proper delivery. Check your email daily for any updates regarding your status. We will contact you once you are approved. It is not necessary to email us regarding your enrollment status. You may also login to your DCE Web Account for status updates. 

  8. If approved, submit your payment online through your DCE web account to officially enroll by the listed deadline given in the approval email.
    Payment is due in full to enroll. Instructions on how to complete this step will be provided in the email notification. If you do not submit payment within 2 business days, your approval will expire for the term/year.

  9. Prepare for a successful quarter.
    Set up your campus accounts, online course access, and parking. Information can be viewed on the General Information page. 

General Guidelines

  • If a course request is incomplete, whether you are missing a transcript, approval email, or any other applicable requirements, your request will be denied. You may reapply once you have all your required documentation ready for upload and submitted by the application deadlines.
  • Current UCI matriculated students have the priority to set and change their schedules. Therefore, requests may not be reviewed until closer to or just after the start date of instruction each quarter.
  • Check Step 3 to ensure you have included additional approvals as needed. If your upload was not successful, email to with subject: Concurrent Course Approval for Course.
  • We understand the importance of this enrollment request to you in meeting your educational goals. To help you better succeed in this review process, we ask you do not contact us to ask for the status. We will be diligently working with departments on your behalf. Closely monitor the UCI Schedule of Classes to gauge your chance of enrollment.
  • We recommend you attend all open requested courses and make arrangements with the instructor to ensure that you can access and submit any course materials, assignments, tests, etc. in a timely manner. This does not guarantee you will be enrolled into the class, but it will assist you in staying up to date while you are awaiting a response.
  • If you no longer intend to enroll in a course, please inform us immediately via email at so that we may cancel the request with the appropriate School.

More Information

If you have questions about enrollment procedures or need specific information about Concurrent Enrollment, call UCI Division of Continuing Education (DCE) at (949) 824-1010. If you have questions about course content, prerequisites, or grading policy, please call the campus department or instructor responsible for the class.