Organizational Leadership & Communication
In today’s demanding workplace, managers are challenged to find new and innovative ways to involve and motivate employees and affect positive change that improves the company’s bottom line. This program focuses on the practical skills professionals need to develop and maintain in order to lead others and be an agent of change. Learn the fundamentals of leadership and continues by teaching participants valuable skills in interpersonal communication, small group communication, conflict management, intercultural communication, writing and managing organizational change.
According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, managers should have good leadership and communication skills and be able to establish effective working relationships with many different people. They also must be able to coordinate several activities at once, quickly analyze and resolve specific problems, and cope with deadlines.
Who Should Enroll
This program is targeted to managers and those wanting to enter a management role to become effective leaders and change agents in their organizations through competencies in people-management skills, effective communication skills, conflict management skills and team-building skills.
Program Benefits
- Communicate ideas clearly, powerfully, and intentionally to inspire and lead others to create vision, shape culture, and achieve organizational goals
- Develop strong interactive communication skills to strengthen relationships across teams, departments, and hierarchical levels
- Develop communication strategies for team building to effectively collaborate for better problem solving and decision making
- Transform destructive conflict into constructive conflict while building trust in the organization and creating a productive working environment
- Recognize cultural differences within and across organizations and use best communication practices to enhance understanding and good will
- Plan, introduce, and implement a successful change with employee support in today’s complex business environment
- Build, manage, and lead virtual teams at a distance while implementing strategies to maximize collaboration and productivity
- Use powerful writing skills to compose effective messages that produce desired results in various business contexts
Eligibility and Requirements
Apply to become a candidate for the program: A Declaration of Candidacy is required to establish candidacy in this program. Complete the application and pay the application and candidacy fee of $125 (non-refundable). Learn more about the benefits of becoming a candidate.
A candidate in the program is awarded a certificate upon the successful completion of eight (8) required courses totaling 17.5 units, each with a letter grade of “C” or better. All requirements must be completed within five (5) years after the student enrolls in their first course. To receive the Certified Digital Certificate after completing all the program requirements, students must submit the Request for Certificate to initiate the certificate audit process. Students not pursuing the certificate are welcome to take as many individual courses as they wish.
Transfer Credit
Students who complete the Organizational Leadership & Communication Certificate Program may be eligible to transfer credits into University of the Pacific – Benerd College’s Master of Arts in Leadership (Organizational Innovation and Change Concentration).
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Enroll and pay for courses as you go.
Have Questions?
Talk to an enrollment coach
Call: (949) 824-5414
Monday - Friday, 9am - 4pm (Pacific)

Course Schedule
Course schedules are subject to change. Individual courses may be taken without enrolling in the full program.
Career Advancement Network
DCE is proud to offer our learners, candidates and graduates valuable career resources, including personalized career coaching, mentorship, online technology tools, live webinars, and more.