Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UCI

About OLLI
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) sets the world standard for excellence in lifelong learning, and OLLI at UCI is no exception. We embrace the educational and social experiences OLLI delivers every semester!
No tests. No grades. Learn for the fun of it! Stay Curious!

To be a lifelong learner who wants to continue enhancing your life through education.
As a member, you are eligible to register for an unlimited number of courses, based upon space availability, for our Fall and Spring semesters, plus a short Summer Session.
- Mental stimulation is fundamental to your personal growth and feeling of well-being.
- Intellectual exploration is a workout for the brain — it sharpens and strengthens our memory.
- Social connection within our learning community creates new friends, develops shared interests, and enhances our joy of living.
Courses & Events
Our course topics explore a variety of different subject areas from the arts and literature to science, history and technology. Special events like wine tastings, theater performances, museum tours and other cultural excursions round out the experience. And with no homework or tests, you enjoy an educational environment where you learn for the pure joy of it.

Imagine if every retiree in Orange County had access to fun, intellectually stimulating, University-sponsored education, without homework or tests! That’s what we deliver. Help us make our programs available to everyone. By donating to OLLI at UCI, you keep our membership fees accessible to all.
IT’S YOUR OLLI! OLLI is run by members-volunteers. Courses, special interest groups, special events, social activities, publications, and classroom services are all developed by members like you.
Academic Calendar
Please note the following important dates
Frequently Asked Questions
Courses are offered Fall and Spring semester, plus a short a Summer Session. At $235, annual memberships are only available for purchase during the Fall semester and offer a discounted savings compared to buying each semester separately. Semester memberships are $160 each. “Fall Only” membership expires in January. “Spring Only” membership expires in August.
Your membership entitles you to enroll in unlimited number of courses for the current enrolled semester. It also entitles you to viewing access to 600+ previously recorded class lectures.
Learn more about membership and enrollment.
OLLI at UCI's One Bring One Guest Class Voucher program allows you to “try us out” free of charge. Our guest program allows you one time to attend one free class session during a semester, subject to availability. All you do is call or email us in advance to determine space availability. Upon arrival at your class, you will be requested to complete a One Bring One Guest Class Voucher. That's all there is to it!
Whether you're a friend of an OLLI member, or even if you don't know anyone at OLLI, you're welcome to try us out as a one-time guest.
A guest is someone who has not previously taken advantage of a free guest pass. Visitors who have previously used a guest pass must register as a member. Guest passes are valid for one class session, up to two hours. Guest passes may not be used for day trips, special events, or any class that is full.
Non-OLLI members are always welcome to attend special events/trips as a guest. To register, please call the Student Services office at (949) 824-1010, Monday through Friday, 9am to 4pm.
IT’S YOUR OLLI! OLLI is run by members-volunteers. Course, special interest groups, special events, social activities, publications, and classroom services are all developed by members like you. The rewards and benefits of volunteering never end! Don’t wait to be asked!
To learn more about volunteer opportunities, check out the weekly OLLI This Week email newsletter, talk to a Board Member, call the OLLI office at (949) 451-1403, or email olli@uci.edu.
The OLLI Remote Learning Center (ORLC) is an online portal for members to view live-streamed classes as well as 600+ pre-recorded class lectures in the Video Library. Members will be given access to the ORLC when they register and pay their membership fees.
If you have any questions, contact the OLLI office at (949) 451-1403, Monday through Friday, 9am to 4pm, or send an email to olli@uci.edu.
Would you or someone you know like to share your expertise and experience? Do you want to inspire others to learn and explore, engage with peers, and share interests? OLLI is always interested in adding new presenters. As a presenter, you will be rewarded with extensive positive feedback and generous “aha!” moments.
Our volunteer presenters and discussion group leaders are the heart and soul of our organization. To teach for OLLI, email the OLLI office at olli@uci.edu.
OLLI Extras are special interest groups that are open to both members and non-members. If interested in joining any of the following groups, email the OLLI office at olli@uci.edu.
- Gastronomer’s Group: Explore all things food, dining out (not curbside or take out), cooking and wine. Tickle your tastebuds with monthly ventures into unknown epicurean delights!
- Movie Talk: Interested in both new and classic films? It's easy to participate by watching your at-home screen. Join the conversation!
View this Registration FAQs document for information about enrolling, creating accounts, refunds, and more. Contact DCE Student Services at (949) 824-1010, Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm, if you need additional assistance.
For the safety and well-being of the entire UCI community, individuals will be required to show proof of vaccination status, including boosters, for all UCI locations. Therefore, OLLI will continue to ask members and non-members to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination at the first class meeting or special event attended.
Just a reminder that at the direction of the University of California, and when accessing campus facilities at any UC location including the OLLI at UCI classroom located at the Irvine Train Station, OLLI members could be required to:
- Provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination and booster
- Cover with a face mask while indoors
- Physically distance from other members
- Allow symptom check
For the most updated information, visit the University of California Policy on Vaccination Programs.
Note: There are no refunds on OLLI Membership fees if members are unable to meet the University of California policy on COVID-19 vaccinations and mask mandates.
Order a Catalog
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