UCI Division of Continuing Education, in cooperation with the Disability Services Center (DSC), provides reasonable accommodations to students with qualifying and documented disabilities. Accommodations vary and are designed to meet the disability-related needs of students. It is the responsibility of enrollees to provide advance and adequate disability documentation to DSC, and to make accommodation requests no later than two work weeks prior to the start of any class; failure to do so may delay or in some cases preclude our ability to provide accommodations. Enrollees or prospective enrollees should contact DSC to inquire about documentation requirements, to make accommodation requests, and to discuss accommodation procedures (note: accommodations such as American Sign Language Interpreting, taped textbooks, and some adaptive computing technology must be planned with the student before classes start). Individuals with disabilities may also call the UCI Division of Continuing Education Registrar's Office at (949) 824-5417 about class or accommodation questions.

Disability Services Center
University of California
Irvine, CA 92697
(949) 824-7494 tel
(949) 824-3083 fax