2014’s Smoking Hot Careers

by Kathy Seaton
Prepare for hotness. That’s the theme of today’s post. Can you handle it? Earlier this year, the Orange County Register honed in on the six hottest careers of 2014. In case you didn’t catch the story (http://www.ocregister.com/articles/jobs-616137-county-angeles.html), these fields are expected to be among the fastest growing in Southern California over the next few years. Browse the four below with open eyes. Opportunities are emerging throughout the region, none require an advanced degree, and the pay can be quite good. These careers are looking for warm bodies with a solid set of skills. How about you?
First, a quick recap of the article’s highlights:
1) These careers are not all high-tech. (So, you like to plan parties? You’re gonna love this…)
2) Sewage Worker, Hazmat Diver and Septic Tank Repair are not, we repeat, not on the list. Life is good.
3) The budget-friendly continuing education courses at UCI Continuing Education can prepare you for four out of six of these trending and high-growth career paths, starting right now.
No matter where you are or what you’re doing, an online or classroom program can quickly heat up your job prospects. Who doesn’t want to go from a cold and clammy “Argh, I seriously need a new direction,” to finishing up a brand new resume and feeling hot, hot, hot? (Insert a few dance moves here. No one’s watching.)
The math on these top 2014 jobs looks something like this:
Your Bachelor’s degree + specialized skills or training acquired through studies with UCI Continuing Education = 1 hot career coming right up.
Get your sizzle on in these top careers for 2014 right here in Orange County:
- Biomedical Engineer: Design and develop medical products, software and services in a profession that has the potential to have the highest anticipated percentage of growth between now and 2020. The OC Register reported that in addition to being the best paid of the region’s top 50 fastest growing occupations, engineer jobs are forecast to jump 87 percent in Orange County and 60 percent in Los Angeles, according to the state Employment Development Department.
Prepare for hotness: Choose a UCI Life Sciences certificate program in Medical Product Development, Regulatory Affairs Management, Clinical Research, Clinical Trials or Comparative Effectiveness Research. Bump up your software know-how with complementary programs and classes in a number of technologies, languages and programs such as Java Programming and Embedded Systems Engineering. - Logistician: A knack for problem solving pays off in this career in which you finesse the manufacturing supply chain, distributing products to consumers quickly and affordably all over the globe. Fast growth in this field combines with high salaries, as more companies peddle their wares overseas and need professionals who understand fast distribution on a grand scale.
Prepare for hotness: Grab your UCI certificate in Business Process Optimization, then consider further studies in Lean Six Sigma, Agile, Project Management and Facilities Management. - Marketing Research Analyst/Marketing Specialist: If you like crunching numbers, delve into the world of analyzing industries and targeting new markets for businesses. The OC Register revealed that Southern California is on target to see thousands of new marketing jobs over the next six years.
Prepare for hotness: Check out UCI’s complete Business programs in Marketing & Communications, Internet Marketing, Social Media, Web Design and Development and Web Intelligence. Stand out from the competition with additional specialization through related programs including Predictive Analytics and Business Analyst. - Meeting, Convention and Event Planner: Cash in on your masterful party planning thanks to the corporate side of event coordination. The OC Register article explained that the number of meeting planner jobs in the region (including in-house staff and self-employed planners) is expected to grow almost 40 percent from 2010 to 2020 thanks to corporations’ expanding global reach and the need for professionally staged get-togethers. Prepare for hotness: UCI Continuing Education’s certificate program in Meeting and Event Management equips you to become a sought-after event guru who can manage vendors, navigate contracts and whip a budget into shape.