Esports Management
Turn a passion for gaming into a viable esports career. Learn from industry experts how to work and grow within an esports organization. As business opportunities flourish, the industry will create demand for professionals with the right mix of training, passion, and knowledge.
Explore the history of esports. Discuss global issues and current trends. Understand developers, athletes, fans, sponsors, and media. Examine relationships in esports communities and understand how their different roles affect each other. Apply effective communication strategies and presentation tactics to specific esports scenarios. Learn essential components in the building, managing, and closing of esports related events and projects. Discover organizational structure, brand building, and promotion and funding opportunities.
Program Benefits
Our industry expert instructors will help you:
- Speak knowledgeably about the history, community, and business of esports with future employers and other stakeholders in the industry
- Develop actionable suggestions to encourage growth or improvement in the esports industry
- Develop effective communications geared towards fans and decision makers within the esports industry
- Create social media content that entices esports fan interaction
- Apply project management skills and tools to initiate, plan, execute, and close an esports live event
Eligibility and Requirements
Apply to become a candidate for the program: A Declaration of Candidacy is required to establish candidacy in this program. Complete the application and pay the application and candidacy fee of $125 (non-refundable). Learn more about the benefits of becoming a candidate.
A candidate in the program is awarded a certificate upon the successful completion of four (4) required courses totaling 12 units, each with a letter grade of “C” or better. All requirements must be completed within five (5) years after the student enrolls in their first course. To receive the Certified Digital Certificate after completing all the program requirements, students must submit the Request for Certificate to initiate the certificate audit process. Students not pursuing the certificate are welcome to take as many individual courses as they wish.
Transfer Credit
Students who complete the Esports Management Certificate may be eligible to transfer credits into Excelsior College's Bachelor of Science in Business, Bachelor of Professional Studies in Business and Management, or Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts degrees.
Meet Our Instructor

Enroll and pay for courses as you go.
Have Questions?
Talk to an enrollment coach
Call: (949) 824-5414
Monday - Friday, 9am - 4pm (Pacific)

Course Schedule
Course schedules are subject to change. Individual courses may be taken without enrolling in the full program.
Career Advancement Network
DCE is proud to offer our learners, candidates and graduates valuable career resources, including personalized career coaching, mentorship, online technology tools, live webinars, and more.