We have moved towards hybrid learning to accommodate the varied needs of our members and to make learning more accessible. We have continued our hybrid model of learning and members can attend class in-person or online, whichever fits your comfort level and expectations. Classes will continue to be offered both in-person and online.

Choose from three class formats categorized A, B/C, or D. Each course description will include a “Class Format” letter designation. Refer to the Class Format Legend below when selecting your classes.

Class Format Legend
AClassroom OnlyPresenter & Audience attend in-person; not recorded
B/CHybrid with Presenter
In-Person or via Zoom
Audience attends in person or via Zoom
DZoom OnlyPresenter and Audience attend via Zoom; not recorded

Most of our class lectures (unless otherwise indicated by the non-recording icon in the catalog) will be recorded and available to our members for later viewing through the OLLI Remote Learning Center (ORLC) secure website.

If you miss a class, whether it be an in-person or via Zoom (a.k.a. online), you can watch a recording of the class lecture. For all classes that are recorded, please allow 1 week for the recording to be edited and uploaded to the ORLC.