Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing

Companies that build data warehouses and use business intelligence for decision-making ultimately save money and increase profit. In addition, initiatives ranging from supply chain integration to compliance with government-mandated reporting requirements (such as Sarbanes-Oxley and HIPAA) depend on well-designed data warehouse architecture. This specialized studies program introduces you to the main components of a data warehouse for business intelligence applications. Learn how a data warehouse fits into the overall strategy of a complex enterprise, how to develop data models useful for business intelligence, and how to combine data from disparate sources into a single database that comprises the core of your data warehouse. Explore how to define and specify useful management reports from warehouse data.

Who Should Enroll

Data systems modelers, database administrators, data architects, IT managers, business analysts, CIOs, and others who need to take data from different databases or data sources and combine them into a single repository that can be used to produce executive dashboards, generate summary reports, and glean “hidden” information from business databases. Those who provide the requests for data in order to analyze trends and systems should also attend.

Program Benefits

  • Explain how a data warehouse combined with good business intelligence can increase a company’s bottom line
  • Describe the components of a data warehouse
  • Describe different forms of business intelligence that can be gleaned from a data warehouse and how that intelligence can be applied toward business decision-making
  • Develop dimensional models from which key data for critical decision-making can be extracted
  • Sketch out the process for extracting data from disparate databases and data sources, and then transforming the data for effective integration into a data warehouse
  • Load extracted and transformed data into the data warehouse

Eligibility and Requirements

Apply to become a candidate for the program: A Declaration of Candidacy is required to establish candidacy in this program. Complete the application and pay the application and candidacy fee of $125 (non-refundable). Learn more about the benefits of becoming a candidate. Candidacy is not required to enroll into individual course in a program.

A candidate in the program is awarded a specialized studies certificate upon the successful completion of four (4) required courses totaling 10 units, each with a letter grade of “C” or better. All requirements must be completed within five (5) years after the student enrolls in their first course. To receive the Certified Digital Certificate after completing all the program requirements, students must submit the Request for Certificate to initiate the certificate audit process. Students not pursuing the certificate are welcome to take as many individual courses as they wish.

Specialized Studies
Approximate Tuition $3,290
Format Online
Duration 3-9 months
Total Units 10

Enroll and pay for courses as you go.

Have Questions?

Talk to an enrollment coach

Call: (949) 824-5414
Monday - Friday, 9am - 4pm (Pacific)

Course Schedule

Course schedules are subject to change. Individual courses may be taken without enrolling in the full program.

Required Courses
Elective Courses
Choose a minimum of 2 units

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