SC 216

TOXICOLOGY: Driving Under the Influence

TOXICOLOGY: Driving Under the Influence of What?
SC 216

Detection and quantification of substances that impair brain function have legal definitions. When the police pull over a driver for suspected DUI, they initiate the testing process that can proceed to court. A quick test for alcohol is common but how is marijuana intoxication established? Dr. Spiehler has developed a method that has become an accepted tool. How does it work? How has it withstood court challenges? Dr. Spiehler will present actual cases in court and behind the scenes.
Presenter: Vina Spiehler, Ph.D.,
Principal Scientist of Spiehler and Associates, Newport Beach, is a forensics and toxicology authority for detection of pharmaceuticals, alcohol and drugs in blood, hair, saliva, and sweat.

Developer: Phil Friedel

Tuesday, May 29
10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon

Molly White 949-292-9747

Terry Kraft 949-636-8747

OLLI Course
When May 29, 18 to May 29, 18;
1 Meetings
Where The Irvine Station

Spring 2018

Date Day Start Time End Time Building
Date5/29/2018 DayTuesday Start Time10:00AM End Time12:00PM BuildingThe Irvine Station