AH 103


AH 103

The term genocide was coined only in1944 and recognized as an international crime four years later when its punishment was also fashioned. But such crimes have existed far into the past. Considered from four inter-disciplinary perspectives, we attempt to make a space for some new understandings regarding the complexity of the topic.

Friday, September 30: Degenerate Art. The Nazis did more than censor the artistic community in art, music, literature, and theater. They created and presented a narrative of the idealized Aryan master race, setting the stage for marginalization, exclusion, and the ultimate destruction of the other.
Presenter: Jeanne S.M. Willette, Ph.D.
is an Associate Professor of Art History at the prestigious Otis College of Art and Design, specializing in modern and contemporary art as well as critical theory. She is the author of the website Art History Unstuffed.

Friday, October 7: Design and Architecture of Memory. Genocide memorials labor to validate the experience of their victims, survivors, rescuers, and/or liberators and also attempt to fix often contentious social meanings and even the issue of facticity attached to the events in question.
Presenter: Ted Wells
is an architectural historian, author, principal of a design firm, and the trustee managing the restoration and operation of historically significant and protected architectural sites. He is the Director of Guardian Stewardship, a private foundation dedicated to arts and architecture, thought and culture.

The Wednesday, October 19 class has been cancelled.

Wednesday, October 26:
9:30-11:30 AM: International Humanitarian Law and Criminal Justice. The categories of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity are differentiated in international law.
Presenter: David A. Kaye, JD is UCI Clinical Professor of Law and Director of its International Justice Clinic. He holds an appointment as United Nations Special Rapporteur and has taught and lectured internationally.
2-4 PM: Beyond Nuremberg and into the Future.
Presenter: Franziska Maria Oehm graduated from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Law in just 2014. While still a law student, she founded and was administrative director of a clinical program at her law school to address refugee law (precedent to this, Germany had no history of law clinics in their system of legal education). She has studied in the field of international criminal and human rights laws in Spain, Cambodia, and the United States.

Friday, October 28: Inter-generational Transmission of Trauma. The trauma from atrocities is not over when the trauma is over. Recent research suggests that trauma is also transmitted inter-generationally and not only through psychosocial dynamics but on a biological level as well.
Presenter: Andrei Novac, MD
is a Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Clinical Professor at UCI Medical School, Director of the Traumatic Stress Program at UCI Medical Center, and a consultant to the Government of the Netherlands regarding War Trauma Compensations.

NOTE: A companion Special Event, Telling Our Stories: Narratives in Little Armenia & the Shoah Foundation (SE 32), addresses different medium for the documentation of genocide and other crimes against humanity.

Rochelle Ambersound

Fridays, September 30, October 7 and 28
2:00 - 4:00 PM
Wednesday, October 26
9:30 - 11:30 AM AND 2:00 – 4:00 PM

The Irvine Station-Onken

Leslie Barnebey 818-261-3010

Connie Hauck 949-854-8334

Lynne Pendleton

OLLI Course
When Sep 30, 16 to Oct 28, 16;
5 Meetings
Where The Irvine Station

Fall 2016

Date Day Start Time End Time Building
Date9/30/2016 DayFriday Start Time 2:00PM End Time 4:00PM BuildingThe Irvine Station
Date10/7/2016 DayFriday Start Time 2:00PM End Time 4:00PM BuildingThe Irvine Station
Date10/26/2016 DayWednesday Start Time 9:30AM End Time11:30AM BuildingThe Irvine Station
Date10/26/2016 DayWednesday Start Time 2:00PM End Time 4:00PM BuildingThe Irvine Station
Date10/28/2016 DayFriday Start Time 2:00PM End Time 4:00PM BuildingThe Irvine Station