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Alumni Spotlight: From Earth Science to HR

Cecilia Ramirez

Cecilia Ramirez reevaluated her career choice following an accident that changed her life.

After earning an Earth Science degree from Columbia University, UCI Division of Continuing Education alumna Cecilia Ramirez began working with a team of scientists in a Manhattan laboratory, with plans to eventually earn a PhD in Geochemistry. She was doing what she loved, following a scientific path, pursuing her passion for environmental research. Then a serious accident and lengthy recovery changed her life.

During her rehabilitation, Cecilia began to reassess her purpose and career direction. She realized that although she loved her work, she’d be happier and more fulfilled in a more collaborative environment.

A new career in Human Resources seemed like a perfect fit. Working within the scientific community prepared Cecilia well for this new role, giving her the basic tools needed to excel as an HR professional.

“I had a lot of time to reflect on my skills and interests,” she said. “It became clear that my love for science wasn't limited to research. I loved solitary lab work but missed relating with others. My Earth Sciences background instilled in me strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, which are highly valuable in HR. My experience in the scientific community required collaboration, data analysis, communication and a positive work environment — all key aspects of successful HR practices.”

After considering many options, Cecilia decided to come to UCI and enroll in DCE’s Human Resources Management certificate program, with some financial assistance from the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

The experience was transformative. She graduated last spring and quickly found a position as HR Assistant at the U.S. Geological Survey, a federal scientific agency within the U.S. Department of the Interior.

“The comprehensive Human Resources program provided invaluable insights into effective communication, HR law practices, and organizational dynamics,” Cecilia said. “Local employers highly regard it for its up-to-date information on both domestic and international HR practices.”

While settling into a new home in Sacramento this summer, Cecilia found time to share her thoughts on her life journey and experience at UC Irvine.

With so many options available, why did you choose UCI?

WIOA offered me several prestigious HR Management certificate programs, but UCI ultimately stood out for several reasons. Student testimonials resonated deeply with me, and I saw myself reflected in the stories of young women who had pursued non-traditional paths. Their experiences at UCI inspired me to embark on and trust a similar journey.

There was, of course, its world-renowned academic programs, and UCI’s extensive alumni network impressed me. Also, I wanted to choose a school that offers exceptional career services and whose support could give me the confidence to navigate a career transition. Their counselors and staff were dedicated to ensuring students feel welcomed and supported, regardless of their educational background.

What did you take away from your DCE experience, academically as well as personally?

First, I gained invaluable knowledge and practical skillsets from seasoned HR professionals that prepared me to hit the ground running in the ever-changing HR landscape. Second, the program boosted my confidence in pursuing a new career path by providing me with job-seeking and preparation tools. And the camaraderie with my cohort, many of whom had extensive HR experience, really helped solidify my career decision midway through the program.

How did DCE Career Advancement Network assist with your job search?

It was a tremendous aid for me. I took advantage of its resources as much as possible. I attended workshops and had one-on-one sessions with my academic counselor, Amy Gleason. Her resume and interview suggestions helped me land my first HR job.

I also enjoyed using the online Big Interview simulator. It was very helpful for interview prep and organizing my talking points. Once I crafted compelling stories with guidance on structuring, it was easy to memorize talking points and rehearse them on camera to make them sound natural.

What do you think sets it apart from similar academic experiences?

I believe the faculty is what sets it apart. DCE instructors are all active HR professionals, unlike traditional programs. Local employers highly regard this focus on real-world application, and graduates are well-equipped with current industry practices.

I was also impressed by how DCE embraces students with diverse backgrounds. Learning from and interacting with such a diverse group was incredibly rewarding. Some were early in their careers, while others were experienced professionals who enrolled to strengthen their formal HR foundation.

Were there any instructors or students who stood out and made an impact on your life?

Several, but specifically my Compensation and Reward Systems instructor, Barry Newton, who challenged me to think critically and truly understand what’s behind the data we’re collecting, not just rely on formulas. This approach has been extremely valuable in my new position. And the students, one classmate in particular suggested volunteering in recruiting, which ultimately helped me refine my HR career goals and give back to the community. The experience transformed my HR trajectory.

How are you giving back?

This fall, I'm thrilled to volunteer with the Workforce Recruitment Program, a D.C.-based initiative that connects students and recent graduates with disabilities to job opportunities across the public and private sectors nationwide. Currently, I'm training for this program all summer. Also, I'm actively promoting Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) within my agency.

Would you recommend DCE to others?

Absolutely! I had the best administrative, educational, and social experience I could have hoped for. I believe one of my friends plans to start a Project Management certificate in the fall.

Learn more about the Human Resources Management Certificate Program.