6 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Career

by Kathy Seaton
Sometimes we don’t realize how our daily habits can negatively impact our lives and careers. Through the banality of daily routines, it’s not uncommon to fall into ruts or become discouraged with our future goals and aspirations. However, the key in being successful in moving towards your ambitions is to make sure you’re not sabotaging yourself along the way. Here are six ways in which you may be setting yourself back in the workplace without even realizing it:
- Feeling like you know it all.
You can greatly limit your potential for growth with the attitude that there’s nothing new to be learned in your current role. Instead of working on cruise control, look for ways to learn new skills while doing your day-to-day job in order for your superiors to recognize your willingness to excel and desire to do more for the organization. In doing so, you will be setting yourself up for a possible promotion instead of being seen as the weakest link.
- Not being a team player.
Doing everything on your own may come naturally, but engaging in teamwork and collaborating with co-workers is more beneficial. If you’re toughing-out every assignment on your own, no one is there to witness your abilities and strengths. Time will pass and your efforts may go unrecognized because no one is ever around to witness you in action.
- Settling for a job you dislike.
With the recent job market, people will say that you’re lucky to have a job at all. However, you spend the majority of your time at work and you need to hold a certain level of satisfaction in order to keep a healthy and positive attitude. Being in a negative workplace that makes you unhappy will only lead to poor performance and outlook. Make sure you are choosing the right position for yourself.
- Holding back on personal growth.
Procrastination, in general, is the ultimate way to stifle productivity. Don’t wait for the ‘right moment’ to put yourself out there and self-promote within the workplace. There’s a delicate balance between showing your capabilities and being braggadocios. Find that sweet spot so you can make sure to bring the right amount of attention to yourself while working hard. Get the recognition you deserve and reap the benefits.
- Creating tension in the workplace.
Emotional outbursts and squabbles at work can lead to long-term detriment when it comes to career growth. Voicing your concern should always be done in a professional manner and keeping conflict to a minimum is best advised. You may not be best friends with everyone you work with but having arguments with those people will reflect poorly on you in the end.
- Hiding in your boss’s shadow.
If you’ve developed a good working relationship with your boss, it can lead to a great experience and make your day-to-day enjoyable. However, always riding on your boss’s coattails could also mean that you are cutting yourself short at the same time. Make sure to give yourself room to grow alongside your boss without them hindering your potential growth within the organization.