MGMT X402.8

Agile Project Management

A required course in the Certificate Program in Project Management.

Agile project management is an iterative project methodology that works well for a wide variety of projects. This course teaches students what the agile methodology is and focuses on components of this methodology, including, developing product roadmaps, prioritization methods for a product backlog, managing/executing work through SCRUM and kanban practices, and measuring value delivery through agile reporting.

Prerequisite: Completion of Project Management Overview is required to begin this course. The Overview course will establish the project that will be used for the duration of the program.

Click on "See Details" below and refer to "Special Notes" for additional section specific information.

Approximate Cost $890
Format Online Live
Duration 4 Weeks
Total Units 2

FALL 2024

9/23/2024 - 10/20/2024
Weeks 4
Delivery Online Live
Fee $890
Status Open


6/24/2024 - 7/21/2024
Weeks 4
Delivery Online Live
Fee $700
Status Closed