I&C SCI X425.20

R Programming

R is a scripting language for statistical data manipulation and analysis. R is an open source package available under GNU license at no cost. R competes with SPSS, another very well-known statistical package used heavily in many industries. Statistics is used in every part of business data processing and prediction. Data captured by web analytics services need statistics. Statistics is also the foundation of predictive analytics. R business applications include correlation, regression, hypothesis testing, and all inference testing. This course will focus on R programming which is used for solving business problems related to basic math and statistics. First, all relevant math concepts will be reviewed. This will include functions, regression, descriptive and inferential statistics, and matrix operations. All these basic math problems will be solved using R. The programmatic interface and graphic capabilities of R will also be explored. In the end, several real-world business problems will be solved using R. Prerequisites: I&C SCI X414.13 Math Review for Data Science and Analytics or basic math, statistics, functions matrix and basic programming.

Approximate Cost TBD
Format Online
Duration TBD
Total Credits 2