I&C SCI X425.53

Predictive HR and Workforce Analytics

Today’s business executives are increasingly applying pressure to all aspects of their business (including HR and workforce areas) to use predictive analytics to improve their bottom line. Human Resource departments have a set of unique challenges applying these techniques to deliver value to the business including little definition or guidance for identifying, framing and successfully deploying predictive analytics solutions to solve workforce challenges.

Focusing on both business and technical frameworks unique to HR applications of predictive analytics, this course will cover topics on how HR professionals can: build business support for these efforts, ensure they return value to the entire organization, scope and frame projects appropriately; develop a plan for successful deployment, and communicate outcomes to the business. Additional topics include how to insure that key goals from the entire organization can be integrated to typical HR goals (flight risk, engagement, diversity, onboarding efficiency etc.) to yield a highly effective HR analytics framework.

Approximate Cost TBD
Format Online
Duration TBD
Total Units 2