Data Assets and Data Strategy

Data underlies all of our best efforts to evolve health care practices. Data, and lots of it, now come in many forms and from many sources. A workable data strategy has to account for the variety of data forms and sources. But more importantly, a good data strategy should bake in empathy for the sensitive nature of the data representing each individual. It’s a gray and messy area. This course is designed to give you the tools necessary to understand an organization’s strategy, identify gaps that may exist in the strategy, define the various roles that influence data strategy, and adapt health data strategies to evolving health care practices. Specific topics include emerging trends in data governance and regulation, roles of data scientist, chief information officer, chief data officer, chief analytic officer, and chief technology officer, various ways that analytic teams are organized, connecting data strategy and governance to improvement in patient outcomes, and data as the key catalyst for the transition from volume-based, episodic care to value-based, personalized care. This is the foundation for improving the delivery and outcomes of our healthcare experience.

Approximate Cost TBD
Format Online
Duration TBD
Total Units 2.5