MGMT X450.1

Foundations of Human Resources Management

A required course in the Human Resources Management Certificate Program.

Human resources management is vital to the financial health and productivity of all organizations. This important function provides the crucial link between management and employees in the public and private sector. In this course you will learn the fundamentals of human resources management. Begin by acquiring an in-depth understanding of the charter and mission of human resources in the industrial, service and public sectors. Then multiply your role and knowledge of the major elements of the personnel process including recruiting, interviewing, wage and labor issues, benefits, compensation, employment, regulations, documentation and termination, while gaining an insider's grasp of employee relations, work force diversity and human resources planning and research. Finally, you will address various theories regarding employee morale, organizational behavior and group dynamics. If you are interested in changing or advancing your career, this course will give you an overview of this growing field.

Click on "See Details" below and refer to "Special Notes" for additional section specific information.

Approximate Tuition $695
Format Online Live
Duration 12 Weeks
Total Units 4


3/31/2025 - 6/22/2025
Weeks 12
Delivery Online Live
Fee $695
Status Open