EDUC X406.4

Independent Educational Consulting Practicum

The final required course in the Independent Educational Consultant Certificate Program.

This capstone course gives participants the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained through the program's coursework to their own independent consulting practice. Students will be expected to contract with a client family (informed consent recommended) and demonstrate their ability to guide the client through the beginning stages of the application process. The client family may be pro-bono or billed, and the services provided should approximate the intended IEC model. Students will develop their professional identity as educational consultants. Students who take the Practicum in Winter and Spring quarters are required to find and work with a high school junior or college transfer student going through the admissions process. Students who take the Practicum in Summer quarter are required to find and work with a rising high school senior going through the admissions process. Students who take the Practicum in Fall quarter are required to find and work with a high school junior or senior going through the admissions process. Practicum students must be ready to begin working with their client. For all quarters, it is permitted to have begun work with the high school client prior to the commencement of the course. Practicum requirements include meeting with the client and client family through the various stages of college planning in addition to other independent research assignments.

Prerequisite: Students must have completed all other required courses prior to taking the Practicum course. Completion of elective courses is not a prerequisite for the Practicum course.

Click on "See Details" below and refer to "Special Notes" for additional section specific information.

Approximate Cost $770
Format Online
Duration 10 Weeks
Total Units 3

FALL 2024

9/30/2024 - 12/8/2024
Weeks 10
Delivery Online
Fee $770
Status Open


6/24/2024 - 9/1/2024
Weeks 10
Delivery Online
Fee $770
Status Closed