Preliminary Administrative Services Credential
Offered jointly by the UC Irvine School of Education and UC Irvine Division of Continuing Education
This credential authorizes the holder to provide administrative services for grades K-12 including:
- The development and assessment of instructional programs
- The management of school site, district, or county fiscal services; hiring, assigning, supervising, and evaluating certificated and classified personnel
- Providing discipline to students and employees
- Development of student support services
Before enrolling in a preparation program for the Preliminary ASC, you should:
- Possess a valid life or clear California teaching credential or services credential along with a baccalaureate degree and (if applicable) English learner authorization
- Meet the basic skills requirement
- Complete a minimum of five years of full-time service in public schools or private schools
- Currently employed in a full-time position at a qualifying employment agency as defined by the CTC guideline Section 80054.5. (g) (1). The position needs to provide ongoing access to a California TK-12 school site to complete educational leadership administrative activities and a site-based supervisor to participate in EDUC X397A and EDUC X397B Supervised Administrative Field Work (please note that X397A is taken prior to X397B, not concurrently) along with completing the California Administrative Performance Assessment (CalAPA), including data collection, instructional coaching, consulting with stakeholders, conducting and recording meetings with school personnel, and classroom videotaping
How to Apply
You must apply to the program prior to beginning coursework. Enrollment does not constitute admission to the program. Your completion requirements are based upon when you are admitted to the program, not when you began taking coursework.
The online application consists of:
- $75 non-refundable and non-transferable application fee
- Copy of current valid life or clear California teaching or service credential or credentials
- Copy of basic skills requirement
- Official verification of most recent and current five years of full-time employment on a valid California teaching or services credential
- Statement of Purpose
- References
- Unofficial transcript from the accredited institution you earned your teaching or services credential
For detailed information on the documents included in the application packet, visit the program’s Student Handbook. Please DO NOT include your full social security number in the application documents and submit the required documents in PDF format.
Credential programs may have different application deadlines. Please visit the application website to view the application dates and deadlines.
Course Requirements
Approved by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, the Preliminary ASC program consists of 10 classes totaling 36 units. All coursework must be completed with a grade of “B” or better. All requirements must be completed within five (5) years after the student enrolls in his/her first course.
EDUC X397A must be completed prior to enrolling in EDUC X397B.
Important: It is extremely important that you apply for either your credential or the Certificate of Eligibility immediately after completing the required coursework and performance assessment. We will not make a credential recommendation if the coursework and performance assessment have not been completed within the last 5 years.
Supervised Administrative Fieldwork
Candidates for the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential conduct Supervised Administrative Fieldwork under the guidance of a Site Mentor selected by the candidate. The required 80-hours of Fieldwork may include activities such as:
- Serving as a grade-level or department leader
- Leading a committee or working with a parent advisory group
- Serving on a planning team
- Planning and implementing a large event at the site, district, or organization level
Evidence of completion of activities aligned to the California Professional Standards for Educational Leadership (CPSEL) are maintained and submitted at specific points during the experience.
California Administrator Performance Assessment (CalAPA)
In addition to the 10 required coursework, candidates are expected to complete the California Administrator Performance Assessment (CalAPA). The CalAPA is a performance-based assessment completed by the candidate concurrently with the required content courses and fieldwork. The assessment contains three cycles. Each cycle on average includes 25 hours of additional work, which are hours outside the completion of the courses.
Successful completion of the CalAPA demonstrates achieving competence as expected for entry-level administration. Students must meet the CTC established passing score on the CalAPA. Students upload cycles to CTC’s exam site. Successful completion of the CalAPA Cycles along with successful completion of all the program requirements are required for all PASC candidates in order to be recommended for their Preliminary Administrative Services Credential.
To learn more about the performance assessment, please visit CalAPA Performance Assessment Overview on the CTC’s website.
UC Irvine is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. All courses and certificate programs offered by UC Irvine DCE have been developed and are administered in accordance with UC Irvine Division of Continuing Education policy and the regulations of the Academic Senate of the University of California.
Licensure and Certification Disclosures
Review important information from University of California's Office of the President regarding Professional Licensure and Certification.
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Admittance is required. Enroll and pay for courses as you go.

Course Schedule
You must apply and be officially admitted to the Preliminary ASC program prior to enrolling in any of the required credential courses. Candidates must complete EDUC X393.71 Focus on Student Achievement prior or concurrently with EDUC X393.9 Curriculum Design and Management. It is recommended candidates enroll concurrently in a section of supervised administrative field work with EDUC X393.1 and EDUC X393.5 in order to work on the CalAPA as a part of their field work activities. In addition, candidates must complete supervised administrative fieldwork, EDUC X397A prior to enrolling in supervised administrative fieldwork, EDUC X397B. Course schedules are subject to change.
Frequently Asked Questions
UC Irvine DCE offers a traditional pathway, not an intern option.
No, this program is a credential only program and it is not tied to a Master’s or Doctorate’s degree. If you do not already have a Master’s degree, you should consider another credential program that offers a Masters tied to the preliminary administrative services credential since most administrative positions require not only a preliminary administrative services credential but also a Master’s degree.
The program is designed for a candidate to potentially complete the program within 12 months. To complete the courses within a year, a candidate would need to take all the courses that are offered in the quarter (please refer to the sample schedule). However, it can take up to 24 months to complete the program if a candidate only takes on average one course per quarter. In additional to the coursework, a candidate is also required to complete the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing performance-based assessment (CalAPA). The assessment contains three cycles. Each cycle on average includes 25 hours of additional work, which are hours outside the completion of the courses.
Fees range from $450 – $620 per course, making the total cost of tuition $5,860. You pay for each course prior to enrolling. There are two application fees, which you pay after you complete your coursework and when you are applying for the credential (a $127.50 application fee to UC Irvine and a $102.65 application fee to the CTC). In addition to the tuition and application fees for recommendation, you will need to register for the CalAPA. These fees are paid directly to the CTC and is not included in the total tuition cost. Please visit the CTC’s exam site for current registration fees.
The program consists of 10 courses that meet synchronously and asynchronously online. Five of the courses meet synchronously online with live Zoom sessions, while three are completely asynchronous online, and the remaining two are independent study with an online course site. The synchronous online courses (live Zoom sessions) are held on Monday and Wednesday evenings starting as early as 6:30 p.m. and going as late as 9:20 p.m. The Zoom lectures are not automatically recorded. Students are expected to attend all live Zoom lectures. The credential program is designed so that a student may finish their coursework in one year. In other words, if you participate in our program, plan on giving up your Monday and Wednesday evenings throughout the duration of your time in the program.
An online live course consists of instruction that is a combination of synchronous online and asynchronous online. The synchronous class sessions meet online using Zoom software on Monday and Wednesday evenings starting as early as 6:30 p.m. and going as late as 9:20 p.m. Live meetings are not recorded for courses in the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Program. Students are expected to attend all synchronous Zoom meetings. The asynchronous online instruction consists of reading the lesson online, reading articles online or out of the textbook, participating in a discussion forum, and a homework assignment hosted in Canvas, UC Irvine’s online course management system. Students are expected to complete the work by its due date.
This is at the discretion of the candidate. A candidate should take into consideration this is a credential program and the credential is issued by the CTC, which is reflected in the rigor of the coursework. A candidate should be prepared to balance the credential coursework with his/her professional and personal commitments. Students are expected to attend all the synchronous online (live Zoom sessions) lessons along with submitting assignments on time through the online learning platform. In other words, the amount of work will increase with the number of courses you enroll. You are not required to take all the courses that are offered in the quarter but understand if you do not take all the courses offered in a particular quarter, you will need to wait an entire year for that course to come around. For example, we offer two courses in the Summer 2024. If you do not enroll in the two courses, you will have to wait until Summer 2025 to take the course you did not enroll in. For this reason, many students take all the coursework offered in the quarter.
Sample schedule for a student trying to finish in 12 months.
Winter | EDUC X393.5 Leadership in a Community Culture |
Spring | EDUC X393.71 Focus on Student Achievement |
Summer | EDUC X393.3 Cultural and Socioeconomic Diversity |
Fall | EDUC X393.1 Educational Leadership |
*Each cycle on average includes 25 hours of additional work, which are hours outside the completion of the courses.*
Below is the schedule for the program.
Winter | EDUC X393.5 Leadership in a Community Culture |
Spring | EDUC X393.9 Curriculum Design and Management |
Summer | EDUC X393.3 Cultural and Socioeconomic Diversity |
Fall | EDUC X393.1 Educational Leadership |
Candidates must complete supervised administrative fieldwork EDUC X397A prior to enrolling in supervised administrative fieldwork EDUC X397B. It is recommended candidates enroll concurrently in a section of supervised administrative field work with EDUC X393.1 and EDUC X393.5 in order to work on the CalAPA as a part of their field work activities. It is also required a candidate complete EDUC X393.71 Focus on Student Achievement prior to enrolling in EDUC X393.9 Curriculum Design and Management or take the courses concurrently.
Candidates must successfully complete the following program requirements in order to be eligible for the credential or certificate of eligibility:
- Complete all ten credential courses with a B or better grade
- Complete a minimum of 80 hours of field work while enrolled in EDUC X397A and EDUC X397B Supervised Administrative Fieldwork
- Meet the CTC’s passing scores on all three cycles of the CalAPA
- Earn a B or better grade on all Signature Projects
- Meet program’s attendance policies
- Complete all program requirements within five (5) years after a candidate enrolls in his/her first course
Submit an application packet to the Credential Analyst at the UC Irvine School of Education. You will need to submit the following documents and materials to process your Preliminary Administrative Services Credential or Certificate of Eligibility:
- One official sealed transcript reflecting grades for all required courses
- Completed credential application (download from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing website)
- Official verification for 5 years of full-time employment on a valid California teaching or service credential if not submitted at the time of admissions
- Verification of employment as an administrator or complete a certificate of eligibility
- A valid credit or debit card will be necessary to make payment directly to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing via CTC website (You will receive email directions after your application has been submitted by the credential analyst.)
- A $127.50 application fee to UC Regents. UC Irvine charges $127.50 for processing the Preliminary ASC credential recommendation. This fee is in addition to the $102.65 fee paid to the CTC.
Once all required documents are submitted and the credential analyst has processed your credential recommendation with the CTC, you will receive an email requesting payment from the CTC. For more detailed directions on how to pay for your credential after UC Irvine has recommended you, go to CTC’s Quick tips-How to Complete Your Online Recommendation. After payment is received and the CTC completes your application process, you will receive a second email confirming the payment for your credential. You can use this email as verification for your district that your credential is being processed. Recommendations completed online are normally processed within 10 working days and posted to the CTC website. Employers and education agencies seeking proof that a document has been granted by the Commission may use the “Search for an Educator” button on the CTC website and key in the SS# and DOB of the person whom they wish to verify to view the electronically displayed information for the official record.
It is still very important to submit all of the documents required above EXCEPT for the verification of employment as an administrator to the credential analyst. The credential analyst will apply for a Certificate of Eligibility, which has no expiration date. You will indicate on your downloaded CTC application you are applying for your Certificate of Eligibility under Term. Once you obtain an administrative position, you and your school district will need to file for your Preliminary Administrative Services Credential with the CTC.
In order to clear the credential you must complete a Clear Administrative Services Credential program and be recommended for the clear credential. See the UC Irvine Division of Continuing Education website for more information on the Clear Administrative Services Credential program.
Note: The CTC’s intent is an administrator enroll in a program upon placement in an administrative position but no later than one year from activation of the preliminary credential (CTC PSA 16-13).
The student handbook is designed to assist you into and during the program. It contains important information to guide you as you progress through the program. Included are admission requirements, program requirements, recommendation process, and relevant school policies and procedures. Whenever you have questions about program policies, procedures, and/or requirements, please contact the department at
Federal and state legislation, as well as requirements of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC), govern many aspects of our credential program (UCOP Licensure and Certification Disclosures). Standards for administrative services credential programs can be found on CTC website.
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