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Remember the first time you enrolled with UCI Extension?

by Kathy Seaton

We’ve heard from many of our students that the decision to “go back to school” with UCI Continuing Education isn’t easy. Our students are busy adults, and scheduling is just one of many concerns for adult learners considering a UCI Continuing Education class or program.

Will you share your thoughts with prospective students?

We’re inviting UCI Continuing Education students and alumni to participate in a video question-and-answer project that will help prospective students understand what’s involved in learning with UCI Continuing Education. How do you find the time? What are online classes really like? We’re looking for your perspective to help guide adult learners make an informed decision.

If you’re interested in helping, drop as an email at unexfacebook@unx.uci.edu with your name, phone number and email address and we’ll be in touch soon. We know your time is precious and we promise to make this brief–just a few minutes.

Everyone who we select for the video interviews will get a basket of (quite nice) UCI Division of Continuing Education gifts with our thanks. You don’t have to be in or near Irvine – we expect many of the interviews will be done using your webcam and Skype or a Google Hangout. We look forward to speaking with you!

Scott Rutherford
Director of Marketing, UCI Division of Continuing Education