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It’s Virtually Possible.

by Kathy Seaton

The pursuit and demand for learning and higher education, throughout a lifetime, is infinite. 

Traditionally, higher education was only delivered in a face-to-face format, meaning that students sat in a classroom and listened to a lecture. However, as markets changed and technological advances were discovered, the landscape of higher education has had to grow and mature. 

Today’s learning environment is different—especially considering that professionals need to be prepared for rapid on-the-job training, and perhaps, mastery of a specific subject matter to move forward in their careers. 

Based on this, online education has become a training imperative, not only to improve learning outcomes and provide access, but to meet the needs and demands of corporations, students, and working professionals—worldwide. 

Virtual Corporate Training Serves its Purpose. 

Virtual learning in a corporate environment is extremely effective. And based on research conducted by the most credible universities across the globe, there is a significant amount evidence that proves that online learning can be just as rigorous, productive, and efficient as face-to-face learning. 

The value for corporations is that the use of online learning platforms has eliminated the constraints of physical presence. And virtual learning has been established based on the promise that students and employees can learn, anyplace, anytime, and anywhere.

The benefits of virtual learning are endless, and importantly, very cost effective when considering the bottom line. Online training:

  • Reaches a global workforce
  • Provides easy access for students with the use of an online delivery platform
  • Saves money and time 
  • Fosters the ideals of community and teamwork in a remote world 
  • Builds competency with virtual tools 
  • Allows for practical and valuable ways of tracking participation and learning outcomes 

What to Look for When Forming a University-Corporate Partnership.

It is mission-critical to look for a partner university or college that will value your students and employees as much as you do. To do this, you’ll need to find a university that shares your culture of support and clearly understands your goals.

Consider the following during your evaluation:

  • Experience: Vet colleges and universities based on their longevity and student outcomes in corporate training
  • Alignment: Select a school that will support your brand, vision, and culture, and one that understands what it means to be a business partner
  • Learner Engagement: Explore the full range of interactive communication tools that are available, such as Canvas, Zoom, or Microsoft Teams, to create the accessibility that is needed to create a successful virtual community of learners
  • Accessibility to faculty and instructors: It is vital that your staff and students have a significant amount of time to work with their instructors. This will provide you with the learning transfer that you need.
  • Preparation: Study the basic and advanced Zoom training, provided by IT departments, that will serve as the foundation for instructors to effectively utilize and facilitate learning in an online format
  • Support: Give attention to the provision of “how-to” user guides that should be provided prior to live sessions, in addition to, an optional employee Zoom training to ensure that each individual is comfortable with the tool, so they can fully participate in a training
  • Proposal: Request example recordings and participate in free webinars to understand the extent of the university’s training programs

Corporate Education Leads to Better Business and Better People. 

Successful businesses and corporations develop, maintain, and recruit the best of the best from our market’s talent pool. Considering our fast-paced world, your organization needs the ability to develop your workforce, and UCI, for example, has the best protocol in the industry to help you do that. Everyone wins when corporate education is a priority. Not only do peers and employees become more confident, but they also will become more strategic, intuitive, and analytically competent. We will help you identify the skills gap so that you can create better people, which creates better business.

UCI is a top-tier research university whose mission is guided by the principles of serving our communities with a world-class education. The UCI Division of Continuing Education (DCE) fulfills that promise through the delivery of best-in-class online training that delivers proven value to companies and their employees.  

The DCE has created a seamless online platform and delivery modality. Here’s what to expect from partnering with the DCE for Corporate Training:

  • Instructors that are subject matter experts to ensure the best learning outcomes for students  
  • Direct contact with instructors
  • The development and use of an effective application interface 
  • A significant, yet purposeful and appropriate use, of audio and visual technologies 
  • The opportunity to create custom programs that meet your specific needs 
  • The ability to deliver a program that is flexible and accessible for all users
  • A built-in curricular method that creates engagement and participation
  • Learning activities that supports the subject material
  • Measurement and metrics that define learning objectives and then document results of learning transfer and on-the-job skill development

Virtual Learning has an Equalizing Power that is Undeniable.

Online training will boost your employees’ productivity. When they are better trained and have the knowledge they need about your services or products, they will not only be more capable, they will become the future leaders of your business.