
Safe, Comfortable, Convenient Apartments

  • Fully furnished two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartments shared by four international students of the same gender
  • Access to pool and Jacuzzi and basketball, tennis and volleyball courts
  • Apartments include bed linens, towels and kitchen cookware
  • Adjacent to public bus route, international grocery store, large park, and shopping center

There are a wide variety of different apartment communities in Irvine, giving you the opportunity to select the one that offers the perfect living environment for you! If you are interested in learning more about apartment options in Irvine, below is a list of companies that you may contact directly for more information and pricing. Please note that these are independent housing providers, so UC Irvine DCE cannot address questions or concerns related to contracts, deposits, etc. Please contact the provider directly with questions.

Kapi Residences

Kapi Residences offers fully furnished apartments in a convenient, fun, and diverse student community close to campus.

Anteater Housing Network

Find off-campus housing, sublets, and roommate listings for UC Irvine students.

University Town Center Apartments

Managed by the Irvine Company, choose from one- to three-bedroom apartments in a prime location near campus.


Live with a local family, experience an American family lifestyle, and have an opportunity to practice your English skills on a daily basis. Homestay arrangements allow you to expand your cultural and educational experience, and gain exposure to American families of various racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups. Homestay housing arrangements are not one-size-fits-all. Choices include having your own room or sharing a room with another student; and choosing to eat some or all of your meals with your host family, or taking care of all of your own meals. Prices vary by company and services provided. If you are interested in homestay, directly contact one of the companies listed below for more information and pricing.

  • Live with local families in a private furnished room with Internet access
  • Learn about American culture and practice your English skills daily while developing lasting friendships
  • Experience American families of a variety of racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups

Applications must be submitted directly to the homestay company, and processed prior to arrival.

UC Irvine Division of Continuing Education is not affiliated in any way with, and we are not endorsing, any homestay agencies listed above. The above details are provided for informational purposes only. Students may select any company of their choosing and must make their own evaluation when selecting housing.

Homestay housing

On-Campus Dormitories (summer only)

  • Fully furnished double-occupancy rooms
  • Live with other international students and American peer advisors
  • WiFi included
  • Rates do not include meals

If you would like to be added to the interest list, please fill out this form.

For any questions relating to the dorms, please contact:

Irene Dodds
Facilities Coordinator


  • Close proximity to campus (approximately 10-15 minute drive)
  • Receive housekeeping services
  • Enjoy a gym, jacuzzi and pool

Rates are approximately $65-150 per person and are subject to change.

Please email Student Life & Activities at for a list of hotel options.

Additional Housing Resources

For students who want to find alternate housing options, here are additional resources for you to begin your research.